My grandfather was born in South Carolina in 1913. He had to drop out of school in the third grade and work in the fields to help his family.
In those days in the South, black children were usually pulled out of school by fourth grade to limit their education.
As an adolescent, my grandfather and his brothers decided to head up north for work. However, shortly after, my grandfather returned to the South.
As a young married man with a family, he worked various jobs, including self-employed services.
He owned a wood and coal yard, as well as an ice house.
By the mid-1960s, my grandfather decided to start a business under his namesake - John T. Rice and Sons Garbage Collection Service.
He and my uncle Charles were partners in this successful business, which employed others to help with their routes.
Despite his limited education and improper grammar, my grandfather did not let anything get in the way of turning his dreams into reality.
In this photo is my grandfather (John Thomas Rice, Sr) with his sons, my uncle Tommy with his daughter Tara and my uncle Charles (my grandfather's business partner) posing in front of one of their garbage trucks.
I hope my grandfather's story inspires others to believe in themselves and pursue their dreams.
About the Author:
AC McCants created The Tactile Vision Board and The Tactile Vision Book Project to ignite ideas for a vision board project for the blind and visually impaired.