Saturday, September 21, 2024

Book Review for "Dear Girl" by Amy Krouse Rosenthal

"Dear Girl" is a delightfully inspiring picture book that encourages young girls to embrace themselves fully, and to embrace others - their similarities and their differences. The book instills a sense of eagerness in young readers to learn and accomplish their goals, as well as to do other amazing things.
The entertaining, whimsy and minimalism illustrations captured the emotions and tone of the story, seamlessly bringing it to life.

This is a book that should be read repeatedly so that young readers can develop a healthy mindset and positive outlook on life. In other words, this is an excellent character-building book.

I give it 5 Stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Thursday, September 19, 2024

How writing down positive things that happen each day can be beneficial:

Here are some ways that writing down positive things that happen each day can be beneficial:

1. Gratitude - Taking the time to reflect on the good things, no matter how small, can cultivate a sense of gratitude. This can improve overall mood and outlook.

2. Perspective - When you write down the positives, it helps shift your focus away from the negatives or challenges you may be facing. This can provide a more balanced perspective.

3. Mood boost - Revisiting the positive events and experiences can trigger positive emotions and make you feel good. This can counteract the brain's natural tendency to focus on the negative.

4. Self-reflection - The act of writing things down encourages self-reflection. You may notice patterns or appreciate things you may have otherwise overlooked.

5. Memories - Writing creates a record of the positive moments, which can be revisited later. This helps cement the memories and the good feelings associated with them.

6. Goal setting - Tracking the positives can help identify what's working well in your life, which can inform future goals and plans.

Overall, the practice of a daily gratitude journal or simply jotting down the high points of each day can be a powerful tool for increasing positivity, resilience and overall wellbeing.

I was inspired to do this article when I realized my daughter had been writing positive notes in her notebook about what happened each day in order to keep from being overwhelmed with negativity. ~ac mccants

Monday, September 16, 2024

Raised On Love vs Raised On Survival

When I first read the quote: "People raised on love see things differently than those raised on survival," it confused me, because I thought it was saying that it was either love or survival, but not both.

My sisters and I were raised on both love and survival.

However, because I misunderstood the quote about being raised on love vs being raised on survival, I inquired about it to Chatbot AI and it responded with:

Yes, it is certainly possible for someone to be raised with a combination of love and survival mentality. This is quite common in fact.

Some key points about being raised on both love and survival:

• Many people grow up in environments where there is love, care and support from family, but also an underlying sense of needing to survive" or be self-sufficient due to challenging circumstances.

• For example, a child may receive affection from parents, but also witness financial struggles, unstable living situations, or other hardships that require them to be resilient and self-reliant at a young age.

• This dual upbringing can create a complex worldview - they learn to appreciate love and connection, but also develop a strong survival instinct and pragmatic mindset.

• They may have an ability to see multiple perspectives and adapt their behavior to different contexts - sometimes prioritizing emotional needs, other times focusing on pragmatic concerns.

• The balance and interplay between the love-based and survival-based influences can shape a person's personality, decision-making, and overall outlook on life in nuanced ways.

So in summary, yes it is very possible for an individual to internalize both a sense of love/security and a need to "survive" based on their upbringing and life experiences. This dual perspective can have both benefits and challenges depending on the person and situation.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

A message about not pursuing dreams and goals solely for happiness

It's important to understand that true contentment doesn't come from accomplishing your goals or dreams - it has to come from within. If you aren't satisfied with yourself before you achieve your aims, you likely won't be satisfied after you do.

The mistake many people make is thinking that reaching their goals will finally make them happy. They put all their energy into the destination, rather than finding joy and fulfillment in the journey itself. But lasting happiness doesn't work that way. 

You have to learn to be at peace with who you are, right here and now. Develop self-acceptance and learn to appreciate yourself, regardless of what you've achieved. Only then can you pursue your dreams in a healthy, sustainable way.

Focus on the process, not just the end result. Find meaning, purpose and satisfaction in the steps you're taking, not just the final outcome. And remember - your worth isn't defined by your accomplishments. You are enough, exactly as you are.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

A Wasp Sipping Water

A wasp landed on the window of the car and helped itself to a droplet of water.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Are Influencers Helping or Hindering Your Goals?

Every day, countless social media personalities flood our feeds, promising the secrets to success. But are they truly guiding us, or merely luring us into a cycle of consumption?

1. The Persuasive Tactics
Calls to Action:
Some influencers ask you to click on a link that leads to a form, allowing them to collect your contact information and subsequently email or text you about their programs or courses.

Some influencers ask you to join their online community, which may be more about growing follower counts than providing genuine value.

Monetization Strategies:
Some influencers ask you to PURCHASE their COURSE or ENROLL in their ACADEMY, which often requires a lump sum or ongoing monthly payments.

2. The Reality of Content Creation
Time Constraints:
Purchasing courses can overwhelm creators, hindering their ability to consistently produce content.

Once you've bought a course, you may become so preoccupied with daily or weekly assignments that you struggle to create new content or develop merchandise as often as you'd like.

Live Streams:
Some live streams are lengthy, lasting anywhere from two to four hours and occurring weekly or monthly.

For returning viewers, these live streams can become repetitive. In such cases, the influencer should inform viewers when the meaningful updates will be shared, either on their social platforms or through email/text, to help viewers manage their time more effectively.

3. Value vs. Hype
Motivational Content:
The beneficial aspects of live streams include:
Inspiring and motivational stories shared by guests
The host and guests responding to viewer questions
Engaging the audience with interactive questions

Fluff vs. Substance:
It's important to distinguish between valuable content and influencers who prioritize hype over real insights.

Some influencers may try to persuade you to attend their multi-day, hours-long live or virtual summits, which feature impressive speakers but lack substantial, actionable insights.

In contrast, there are influencers who provide valuable, proven strategies for achieving goals. These are the ones worth supporting by purchasing their merchandise or books, especially if they've already shared a wealth of helpful, non-fluff information.

While many social media personalities offer valuable resources, it's essential to discern between genuine guidance and persuasive hype. Ultimately, the journey to achieving our goals should empower us, not distract us.

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Accusations: It’s all too common for people to readily Accept and Believe

In today's digital age, where information spreads rapidly, it's vital to approach concerns about public figures, such as influencers, with care and responsibility. Publicly voicing negative sentiments without substantive evidence can have serious consequences, leading to the defamation of character and the perpetuation of harmful rumors.

When we have concerns about an individual's integrity or behavior, it's essential to approach the matter thoughtfully and objectively. Before making any accusations, either directly or indirectly, we must carefully research the facts and seek out reliable sources to validate our concerns.

It's all too common for people to readily accept and believe accusations, even if they are not entirely true or proven. This mindset can be problematic, as it can lead to the spread of misinformation and the unfair treatment of the accused. It's important to remember that everyone deserves the presumption of innocence until proven guilty.

Moreover, we should consider how we would feel if someone made similar accusations about us or someone we care about. Imagine the distress and damage it could cause to have your character publicly questioned without solid evidence. This empathetic perspective can help us approach concerns with greater sensitivity and care.

The ethical approach is to research thoroughly, verify the facts, and only then, if warranted, express our concerns in a constructive and responsible manner. This could involve reaching out to the individual directly, seeking clarification, or, in more serious cases, reporting any legitimate claims to the appropriate authorities.

By adopting this thoughtful and measured approach, we can address our concerns while respecting the rights and dignity of the individual in question. This not only upholds the principles of fairness and justice but also contributes to a more ethical and accountable public discourse.

Remember, the power of our words can have a profound impact on others. Let's use that power wisely and responsibly, ensuring that we do not inadvertently contribute to the defamation of character or the spread of unfounded allegations.

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Books, Films, Music and People Impact The Lives of Others

Books, Films, Music and People Impact The Lives of Others
Keep good company, read, observe and listen to content that contributes to your well-being, that inspires you to do great things, that encourages you to live your dreams.

PLEASE DON'T GIVE UP: Keep Pursuing Your Goals and Trusting The Process

The path to achieving our goals is rarely a straight line - it's full of twists, turns, and challenges that can make the progress feel discouragingly slow. But I want you to know that every step you take, every lesson you learn, every ounce of effort you pour in is valuable and brings you closer to where you want to be.

I know it's easy to get caught up in comparing yourself to others or feeling like you're not moving fast enough. But the only pace you need to focus on is your own. Keep trusting the process, and enjoying the journey as much as you can. 

Your goals may evolve over time, and that's okay - the important thing is that you're doing work that lights you up.

Remember to make time for your loved ones and count your blessings.

May God give you your heart's desires.

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Your Personal Growth and Transformation

Your personal growth and transformation can create a ripple effect, positively impacting the world around you.

Friday, July 26, 2024

The Benefits of Letting Go of Anger

Anger is a powerful emotion that can have a profound impact on our lives if we allow it to consume us. While feeling angry is a natural human response, holding onto that anger can end up holding us back from living life to the fullest.
There are several key reasons why we should make an effort to rid ourselves of anger and other negative emotions:

1. Anger Clouds Our Judgment. When we are filled with anger, it becomes very difficult to think clearly and make rational decisions. We tend to react impulsively rather than responding thoughtfully. This can lead us to say or do things we may regret later on.

2. Anger Damages Relationships. Harboring anger, whether towards a family member, friend, or colleague, can severely strain those important connections. Chronic anger can even cause us to push people away entirely. Letting go of anger allows us to have more positive, meaningful relationships.

3. Anger Takes an Emotional and Physical Toll. Carrying around anger is exhausting, both mentally and physically. It causes stress, anxiety, and can even contribute to health problems like high blood pressure. In contrast, releasing anger and negative emotions allows us to feel at peace.

4. Anger Prevents Personal Growth. When we are stuck in a cycle of anger, it becomes very difficult to move forward in life. We end up dwelling on the past and unable to focus on the present or future. Letting go of anger frees us up to learn, evolve, and reach our full potential.

So how can we go about letting go of anger and negative emotions? Here are some suggestions:

• Practice mindfulness and live in the present moment. When we catch ourselves dwelling on the past or worrying about the future, gently bring our attention back to the here and now.

• Talk it out. Expressing our feelings to a trusted friend or counselor can be very cathartic and help us process our anger in a healthy way.

• Try relaxation techniques. Activities like deep breathing, meditation, yoga, or taking a walk in nature can help calm the mind and body.

• Forgive those who have wronged us. Holding on to resentment only hurts ourselves. Letting go through forgiveness is incredibly freeing.

• Focus on the positive. Make a conscious effort to shift our mindset away from negativity and instead appreciate the good things in our lives.

Ridding ourselves of anger and other toxic emotions is challenging, but the benefits are immense. When we let go and live with an open heart and mind, we open ourselves up to greater peace, fulfillment, and the ability to truly live our best lives.

Friday, July 19, 2024

The Art Of Knowing When To Speak

In today's fast-paced world, where we are constantly bombarded with information and opinions, the ability to discern when to speak and when to remain silent has become a valuable skill. This adage, "not everything needs to be addressed, know when to speak and be silent," offers profound insights into the art of communication and self-awareness.

At its core, this wisdom suggests that there is a time and place for everything. Not every situation requires our immediate input or commentary. Sometimes, the wisest course of action is to simply observe, listen, and allow the moment to unfold without the need to interject our own thoughts or perspectives.

Silence can be a powerful tool in communication. It allows us to pause, reflect, and gather our thoughts before responding. This thoughtful approach can prevent us from making hasty or impulsive statements that may later be regretted. Additionally, silence can create space for others to express themselves fully, fostering a more balanced and respectful dialogue.

On the other hand, there are times when speaking up is necessary and even essential. When faced with injustice, oppression, or the need to advocate for important causes, our voices can become powerful agents of change. Knowing when to break the silence and lend our voice to a worthy endeavor can make a significant difference in the world.

The art of balancing speech and silence is a delicate one, requiring a deep understanding of context, social dynamics, and our own inner motivations. It involves cultivating self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and the ability to read social cues and situations effectively.

By embracing this adage, we can learn to navigate our personal and professional relationships with greater ease and nuance. We can become more mindful listeners, more thoughtful communicators, and more discerning in our engagement with the world around us.

Ultimately, the wisdom of "not everything needs to be addressed, know when to speak and be silent" reminds us that true wisdom often lies in the spaces between our words. By mastering the art of timing and restraint, we can elevate our communication and foster deeper connections with those around us.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Why Seeking Approval From Others Will Only Hold You Back

In our social media-driven world, it's all too easy to get caught up in trying to live up to the expectations and perceptions of others. We scroll through our feeds, seeing carefully curated images and status updates that make it seem like everyone else has their life together. This can lead us to constantly seek validation and approval from those around us.

However, making decisions and living your life based on what you think others want from you is a surefire way to hold yourself back from reaching your true potential. Here's why you should stop seeking approval and start focusing on what truly matters to you.

1. You'll Never Please Everyone
No matter how hard you try, you'll never be able to make every single person in your life happy. There will always be someone who disagrees with your choices or thinks you should be doing things differently. Basing your self-worth on the opinions of others means setting yourself up for constant disappointment.

2. It Stunts Your Personal Growth
When you're so focused on meeting other people's standards, you end up neglecting your own needs and desires. You may find yourself making choices that go against your values or passions simply because you think it's what others want. This can prevent you from discovering your true self and developing into the person you're meant to be.

3. It Breeds Insecurity
Constantly seeking approval from others is a surefire way to undermine your self-confidence. You'll find yourself constantly second-guessing your decisions and abilities, never feeling quite good enough. This insecurity can seep into all areas of your life, holding you back from taking risks and pursuing your dreams.

4. It's Exhausting
Trying to live up to the expectations of friends, family, and society at large is an endless, energy-draining pursuit. You'll find yourself constantly stressed and anxious, always wondering if you're measuring up. This can take a serious toll on your mental and physical health over time.

The bottom line is that your self-worth shouldn't be dependent on the approval of others. You are the only one who can truly know what's best for you. Instead of wasting your time and energy trying to please everyone else, focus on being true to yourself. Embrace your unique quirks and passions, and live a life that aligns with your deepest values. That is the surest path to lasting fulfillment.

Seeking To Understand vs Seeking To Be Understood

Seeking to understand enables us to put things into perspective and achieve better outcomes in our interactions with others.
It helps us decode non-verbal cues, such as body language, tone of voice, or facial expressions. 

These subtle indicators provide valuable context to the conversation, helping us respond appropriately and fostering a clearer line of communication.

Wear The Brand, But Don't Trash The Land

What's the point in wearing name brands, 
If you go out there and trash the land?

Take care of our neighborhoods. 
A trashy land makes no one look good.

Wear the brand, but don't trash the land. 
That way, all looks good in the neighborhood

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Tips For Healing From Heartbreak: How To Open Your Heart To Love Again

It's understandable to feel hesitant about jumping back into a relationship after being let down or hurt in the past. Negative experiences can make it hard to trust and be vulnerable again. However, closing yourself off to love out of fear can prevent you from finding the fulfilling partnership you desire.

The key is to focus on what you want in a relationship, rather than dwelling on past disappointments. When you shift your mindset, you open yourself up to new possibilities and attract more positive experiences.

Here are some tips to help you heal from heartbreak and open your heart to love again:

1. Reflect on your past, but don't get stuck there. Acknowledge the pain you've experienced, but don't let it define you. What did you learn? How can you apply those lessons to your future?

2. Identify your relationship needs and desires. What qualities are most important to you in a partner? What type of dynamic do you want to cultivate? Get clear on your vision.

3. Reframe your expectations. Rather than expecting the worst, focus on the best possible outcome. Believe that you deserve a healthy, fulfilling relationship.

4. Practice self-love. Take time to nurture yourself and address any lingering insecurities. The more you can love and accept yourself, the easier it will be to be vulnerable with someone else.

5. Be patient and stay open. Healing takes time. Trust that when the right person comes along, you'll be ready. In the meantime, focus on living your best life.

The wounds of past heartbreak don't have to keep you from finding love again. By shifting your mindset and focusing on what you want, you can attract a relationship that aligns with your deepest desires. Have faith in the possibilities that lie ahead

Note: The article and tips were contributed by AI.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024


In our society, we are constantly bombarded with comparisons between celebrities and public figures. "Who wore it better?", "Whose voice is better?", "Whose hair looks better?" These types of questions promote an unhealthy obsession with ranking and judging others.

The truth is, celebrities are human beings just like the rest of us. They do not exist for our entertainment or to be pitted against one another. Comparing them, even in a seemingly lighthearted way, can be hurtful and damaging. It reinforces the idea that there is a "right" way to look, sound, or dress - an impossible standard that no one can truly live up to.

Moreover, the act of comparing often crosses the line into meanness and cruelty. Tearing one person down to lift up another is never acceptable, whether the subject is a celebrity or an ordinary person. Statements like "This person is prettier because they don't need makeup" are not only unkind, but they perpetuate harmful beauty standards.

If we want to make the world a more positive and uplifting place, we need to rethink our fixation on comparisons. Instead of judging and ranking others, let's practice treating people with empathy, kindness, and respect - the way we would want to be treated ourselves.

Monday, July 1, 2024

The Power of Music To Change The World

The power of music to transform the world is a profound and undeniable truth. Through the universal language of sound, music has the capacity to transcend cultural barriers, unite disparate communities, and ignite the flames of social change.

At the most fundamental level, music has the ability to touch the human soul, evoking a range of emotions that can stir the heart and galvanize the spirit. A sorrowful melody can give voice to the pain of the oppressed, while an uplifting anthem can inspire the masses to rise up and fight for a more just and equitable society. In this way, music becomes a conduit for expression, allowing individuals and communities to articulate their deepest hopes, fears, and aspirations.

But music's influence extends far beyond the realm of personal sentiment. Throughout history, we have witnessed how music has been wielded as a powerful tool for social and political transformation. The civil rights movement of the 1960s, for instance, was fueled in large part by the anthemic tunes of protest songs that galvanized the public and amplified the call for racial equality.

In this sense, music is not merely a passive form of entertainment, but a powerful agent of social change. By giving voice to the marginalized, challenging the status quo, and inspiring collective action, music has the capacity to reshape the very fabric of society. It is a universal language that can transcend
 borders, break down barriers, and ultimately, change the world.

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Exploiting AI For Deception

It is concerning when people use AI to deceive others, such as creating fake images of fish falling from the sky or plants with animal-like features. These deceptive tactics can spread misinformation and sow confusion.

Some unscrupulous individuals also use AI to fabricate audio and video of celebrities and public figures, blending reality with falsehoods. This can be incredibly damaging, undermining trust and escalating chaos.

Instead of exploiting AI for deception, we should explore how this powerful technology could be harnessed to benefit humanity. There are many constructive ways that AI could help make the world a better place:

• Improving healthcare - AI could assist with earlier disease detection, drug discovery, personalized treatment plans, and expanding access to quality healthcare.

• Addressing climate change - AI could optimize energy systems, enhance environmental monitoring, and support the development of sustainable technologies.

• Reducing poverty and inequality - AI could help analyze data to target aid and resources more effectively, as well as create economic opportunities through automation and new industries.

• Enhancing education - AI tutors, personalized learning, and intelligent teaching tools could make education more accessible and effective.

• Protecting human rights - AI systems could help identify human rights abuses, fight corruption, and promote transparency and accountability.

• Advancing scientific research - AI could accelerate scientific breakthroughs in fields like medicine, energy, and materials science.

• Improving transportation - Self-driving vehicles, traffic optimization, and drone delivery could make transportation safer, cleaner, and more efficient.

The possibilities for positive AI applications are vast, but we must be vigilant to ensure this technology is developed and used responsibly to benefit society as a whole. With the right approach, AI could be a powerful force for good in the world.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Happiness is Not Always a Simple Choice

Happiness is Not Always a Simple Choice

The notion that happiness is a choice is a pervasive one, often presented as a panacea for life's challenges. However, the reality of achieving and maintaining happiness is far more complex.

It's true that for those living in relatively stable and secure environments, with their basic needs met, cultivating a positive mindset can indeed be a powerful tool for finding joy. Reframing negative thoughts, focusing on gratitude, and engaging in activities that bring pleasure can all contribute to a greater sense of well-being.

Yet, the world is not neatly divided into those who can choose happiness and those who cannot. Many individuals face significant obstacles, such as trauma, grief, mental illness, or systemic oppression, that can make the path to happiness arduous and, at times, seemingly out of reach.

It's important to recognize that happiness is not a simple binary – it's a dynamic state that fluctuates and evolves throughout one's life. For some, happiness may feel like a constant struggle, while for others, it may come more naturally. Placing the burden of choice on those facing immense challenges can be not only misguided but also potentially harmful, as it can lead to self-blame and further exacerbate their suffering.

True happiness is not just an individual pursuit but also a collective responsibility. By fostering compassion, understanding, and access to resources, we can create an environment that supports the well-being of all people, regardless of their circumstances.

Ultimately, happiness is a complex and nuanced human experience, one that requires empathy, patience, and a willingness to acknowledge the diverse realities that shape each person's journey. Only then can we truly empower individuals to find joy, fulfillment, and a sense of purpose in their lives.